Role: UX/UI designer in a cross-functional team of developers, client success, and the Head of Product
Skills: UX Research, Wireframing, UI Concepting, Animation
Problem: Original UX/UI is out of date and confusing. The current experience relies on users knowing whether or not they have an account which is proven to be a barrier by Client Success Team.
Goal: Develop a streamlined user registration experience. 
Competitive analysis | User scenarios | Observe limited analytics 
Tools used: Google Drive, Confluence
Plan scope | Outline project phasing and timeline with cross-collaborative team | Outline analytic goals | Workflow diagram | Initial Proposals 
Tools used: Confluence, LucidChart, Adobe XD, PowerPoint
Low-fidelity wireframes | User scenario prototypes | Mobile UI Concepts | UI Standards
Tools used: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator
High-fidelity wireframes | High-fidelity prototypes | Final UI | Final assets (animated & static)
Tools used: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe AfterEffects, Lottie, InVision
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